
We’re Your Secret SEO Weapon


We started the HARO SEO Company based on our own experiences with HARO.

We had tried countless freelancers as a solution to building a steady stream of HARO links, but few were willing to put in the thankless work of endless pitches that led nowhere. Of those that did take on the challenge, even fewer delivered satisfactory results.

Over time, we developed a proprietary formula for achieving HARO links from a relatively small number of pitches, and began helping friends to do the same. Eventually, due to overwhelming demand, we started the Haro SEO Company.

Today, we’re placing over 100 HARO links every month.

We’ve helped more than 50 companies around the world to build backlinks from some of the world’s most respected brands. We’ve seen just how much this can change businesses and change lives and we’re excited to be the catalyst for those changes.


Get in touch

Fill in our short contact form, or email us directly. We’ll reply within 3-4 hours.



Meet The Team


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Sam Browne

Sam is a serial entrepreneur, and the creator of websites including Findaband, Auckland Weddings and New Zealand Venues. He has over 15 years experience in digital marketing, and an audience of 100,000 on LinkedIn.




Jenny Eastwood

With a background in copywriting and journalism, Jenny’s zone of genius lies in writing compelling, shareable content, while weaving impactful stories into your posts that will resonate with journalists.




Simone Sloan

Simone is multidisciplinary creative, easily able to move between copywriting and design. Along with her role with HARO SEO, Simone teaches digital art on Skillshare and is the founder of The Vintage Nib, a calligraphy and engraving business.